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Posted by Shadowz on March 09, 2004 at 14:10:44:
If my Hot water boiler doesn't have a Vent Damper currently does it make since to add one. Why I ask is I was looking up new boilers at weil-mclain and noticed the one I was looking at had a vent damper. Not knowing what this was I looked it up. I am 100% sure mine doesn't have one. I want to get a new boiler within the next 2 years I hope, but am wondering if adding a Vent Damper could also help in lowing my all ready out of controller winter gas bills. Which range on average $500 for most of the winter and that is also keeping the thermostat at 62 to 65. Basically we are still cold and pay way too much for gas. I also plan to insulate a lot this year I hope.