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Posted by Brian Halliday on February 18, 2004 at 13:45:43:
Help - I have "Moana" the Trianco Heatmaker in my basement! While I understand that many boiler noises are caused by kettling, this boiler starts making noises even before the vent fan kicks on (well before the ignitor even ignites the burner in the sealed combustion chamber). The noise can only be described as a "killer whale" sound. Before the vent fan kicks on, it groans for about five seconds, then the vent fan kicks on, purges the sealed combustion chambor. The purge takes about ten seconds, then the burner lights and Moana comes up to temp. Once up to temp, it's relatively quiet (occasional sizzle or low frequency moan). When the burner shuts off, a post-purge cycle runs to clear the exhaust gasses, and the fan kicks off. Since the NoiseMaker short-cycles so bad, moaning starts all over again in about 20 - 30 seconds, repeating the process. The only thing I can imagine is that the internal circulator is kicking on prior to the diffuser fan, and the noise is the thermostatic union (looks like an automotive thermostat) vibrating. I would really appreciate any advise from anyone with Trianco experience!!!.