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Posted by gman1964 on February 13, 2006 at 12:02:57:
Ok, Got a new thermostat and new circulating pump. I drained and refilled the system and have bled the pipes 3x. I still had air in the line in two of the radiators the 3rd time. I bled them with the system off as not to draw air into the system as someone recommended.
My question is about the pressure tank located above your head in the basement above the boiler. Im not sure what kind of tank it is and whheter to bleed it or not. It has a valve with just a standard garden hose nozzle on it and when I open it, all I get is cold water running out and not at a great deal of pressure. There is not pressure gage on this tank and I have read there are different kinds of these tanks. This one is directly connected to the cold water supply.
My pressure release on the boiler does drip constantly as to create a stream of water to the drain. Is this ok as well? My boiler pressure floats around 20 lbs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.