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Considering a Munchkin

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Posted by Marinakorp on February 03, 2006 at 16:18:53:

Well, it looks like my 1959 heater is ready to bit the dust fairly soon, so I would like to replace it with an efficient boiler

my old system did double duty of sending heat to the house, as well as a nice hot shower for as long as I cared to take... I would like to have the same functionality.

I had considered a Takagi unit for the heat and one for the DHW, but got turned off by a few stories about the systems needing WAY too long to get the heat to the shower, etc... I do not want that

MY home is 2000 sq ft, multi level split, near philly PA...I have been replacing the old windows over time, and still have a few more to go, so it is not the most efficient of dwellings.

I am considering the T80-SSU45 Munchkin Boiler Super Stor Ultra Combo...

What other options do I have that will give me what I want (heat AND a TON of DHW)

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