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Posted by Scott on January 23, 2006 at 12:57:09:
In Reply to: Re: Violent Banging/Water Refill posted by Heatpro on January 19, 2006 at 21:29:42:
Thank you for your help.
I was able to track down the manual for my boiler. According to that, the nipple is supposed to be a minimum of 2" below the water line (which they place at the middle of the gauge). My nipple is exactly 2" below the water line, so I don't think nipple height is the problem.
The length of the nipple is definitely a problem which I'm going to have the installer fix. From the sheer magnitude of the banging, I get the feeling that the length of the nipple is only part of the problem, though.
My technician has been filling the boiler with water to about 2" from the top of the glass (about 2" higher than middle). Is this too high? Does this provide enough headroom?
During regular operation, the water level seems to bounce up and down quite a bit. Every half a second it drops about an inch. Is this proof that the hartford loop is working properly?
If the problem is the length of the nipple COMBINED with something else, I'd really like to figure out what that something else is. My boiler technician has been here more than 15 times since they installed the boiler a month and half ago. Ideally, I'd like to see him only one more time and then never again for the rest of my life.
: The horizontal nipple between the condensate return rising leg and the loop from top of boiler to the bottom should be a close nipple. If it is 10 inches it is far too long.
: If the close nipple is too high:
: 1. it is defying the boiler designers attempts to keep your boiler quiet,
: 2. because there is not enough steam space above the water line to allow proper separation of water from steam before it rises to the main, which assures banging and losing water too fast.