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Posted by Sue L. on February 16, 2004 at 05:20:51:
I have a gas-fired hot water boiler. The Aquastat control seems to "creep." I had it set to shut off at 185 F. The other day I happened to go to the basement and water was spraying from the pressure relief and the Air-trol, and the system was up around 200 psi, and still firing.
I shut it down, and reset the Aquastat to shut off at 175F. In 2 days, I checked and it was shutting down at 185F. What is wrong? Do I need a new control? This one was installed last November.
Also, what is the Delta T for the Aquastat? The literature says 15 degrees, but since day one mine has shut off at, say, 185 and fired again at 180, a 5 degree delta. Is this wrong?