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Posted by Heatpro on January 19, 2006 at 11:15:46:
In Reply to: Re: Heatmanager vs Honeywell T475A posted by Dave on January 19, 2006 at 10:54:09:
"But, if the wires are run from the Ergomax to the heatmanager and then to the high limit control, the Ergomax would break the circuit for the boiler at 150 or so (if it is set at 140).
I'm just confused as to hopw to make the Heatmanager work in my current situation."
++ Sure are. Nowhere in the wiring instructions for the HeatManager is an instruction to run the wires from the ErgoMax to the HeatManager. All the HeatManager does is attend to the cycling rate and temperature of the water according to need through the boiler high limit circuit.
The ErgoMax thermostat wires go to the same boiler and burner control wires that the SR504 does (the R W terminals). The ErgoMax just demands that the minimum water temperature is over condensation minimum - as the instructions for the HeatManager say that you shouldn't use this control for systems less than 150F - that is right on.
I doubt that the radiant floor needs water any higher than 140F, so the radiant floor thermostat only needs to operate the radiant floor circulator, as the ErgoMax will always be over 140F. What does radiant floor always on mean? You heat the floor in the summer?
The T475A would be wired to the same terminals as the SR504 R W as that is to assure the water would be that temperature; but that was last year before you declared you had an SR504 instead of separate relays. This means that the T475A would have to operate as a high limit to break the high limit circuit to prevent excessive water temperatures due to continuous overlapping demand. That introduces a summer-time problem of adding a summer/winter switch to take the T475A out of the circuit when you want hot water in the summer.
The HeatManager is by far the simplest cure for your present situation at least expense with no rewiring necessary. A new electronic outdoor reset would do no more nor better.
I have enjoyed teaching a controls course around the nation for the boiler manufacturers for 5 years, 40 times a year, where I taught tradesmen on boiler wiring Honeywell, White-Rodgers, Argo, SafGard and other controls demonstrators, where 8 separate groups were in different stages of hand-wiring different boiler control sets at the same time, going from one group to the other in turn to help them through it. So switch control sets as you may whenever you want to change the game with different controls, and I can play on ...