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Posted by jsf on January 07, 2006 at 16:41:00:
In Reply to: Re: Condensing boiler - Pros & Cons posted by Ron on December 28, 2005 at 22:10:34:
A condensing boiler has the oposite concern in that you want lower return temps to assure the boiler condenses and operates at peak efficiency.
I wouldnt recommend adding an in-direct DHW heater to a non condensing boiler, unless it was a low mass type boiler such as a cheap copperfin variety.
If you fired an in-direct DHW heater off a cast iron boiler during the non heating months you are going to have too high a heat gain in the living space.
Personally given the direction of the energy markets and the quality of the new condensing boilers being installed now I wouldnt install anything less that a well designed condensing heating system.