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Posted by Daniel on January 03, 2006 at 23:36:47:
I'm about to repipe my heating system with new smaller diameter piping, the existing pipes are quite large (2” and 1½” cast iron) as the system used to be gravity fed. It now has a circulator pump on the supply side since I replaced the boiler last winter.
I am also proposing a change from a single zone system to a two zone system, one for the main floor and the other for the second floor.
Presently it is a two pipe system; one supply to cast iron radiators and one return, all radiators from both floors are on the same supply and the same return. I have no choice but to separate the two zones with their own supply lines, but I was wondering if I can maintain a single return line back to the boiler, this would certainly cut down on the amount of piping needed for the return water. Would I run into a problem if I have water flow returning from radiators that are tied in with other radiators from the other (inactive) zone? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.