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Posted by Heatpro on January 02, 2006 at 18:09:43:
In Reply to: How important is the model number for the installation guide? posted by Rebecca Leong on January 02, 2006 at 17:23:52:
: I realized today, 3 years after installation, that we have a Burnham boiler model PV83WT ,
The letters of oil boiler have meanings.
P - the boiler came pres-assembled as a package.
V8 - the series
3 - 3-section, 2 ends and a center section
W - for water heating
S - etc. Steam (not yours)
M - is for a rating at the low water flow rate. It's just a testing standard meaning little to you , excepting that it tests out at the highest AFUE rating of the same model.
I don't know who the letters would mean anything to, especially as the boiler has been installed and has been successful. The same I&O manual is used for that model of any size and you can use it as an advisory. You are lucky to actually have the installation guide, as they get lost easily.
It wouldn't matter to maintenance procedures and the parts are the same for many models.