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Re: wiring in Ergomax tank

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Posted by Dave on December 23, 2005 at 13:40:36:

In Reply to: Re: wiring in Ergomax tank posted by Heatpro on December 22, 2005 at 12:50:09:

Actually, I think manually turning on the second stage would not be a big deal since it is almost January, and I have not had to use it at all.
I was looking at Honeywell's specifications for the outdoor rest controller for the boiler (T475A). It says it should not be used where day-night temp control is used. We have multiple Honeywell setback thermostats that turn the temp down at night and back up in the morning. Is that what they are referring to? Also, for our situation, where the outside design temp is -10, I would assume we'd want the boiler operating temp to be 180 and the lowest it would go on warmer days would be 150. Which ratio setting for the reset controller would be the best firt for our situation? These are the specifications below.

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