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Posted by Alex on December 16, 2005 at 17:23:09:
What is the recommended operating temperature for a Liberty Slant/Fin Model L30? It has a Honeywell l8124A Aquastat Relay on it. I had a Watts 30psi blowoff valve go bad on it and it was dumping water at about 12psi on the gauge. I replaced it today and the Aquastat is set to 120/low 150/hi 10/diff. When I watch the Temp. gauge though, it seems the burner's actually cycling off at 200 and back on at 160 or so. What's the recommended Temp for the boiler and settings for the Aquastat? The water pressure is now aproaching 28psi when it reaches the 200 cut-off and drops to about 22 when the unit cycles back on at 160.
It's not popping the valve anymore, but is 200 too high and is the Aquastat shot as well? It seems to cycle ok but it's way off as far as temperature correlation between the gauge and aquastat settings. Please help. Thanks in advance.