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Posted by Brad G. on December 08, 2005 at 15:15:34:
One of the steam heating units in my duplex has developed a cracked boiler. This heater is ancient--as old as the building--dated approx 1915-1920. I believe it is an ARCO 2000 43M (?) model.
Can a cracked boiler be repaired? Or is the only option to replace the entire system?
If I have to replace this monster, is there any chance that because of its antiquity, that it might have value to a collector?!? Or value to anyone other than as scrap?
Some of you may be howling with laughter at the notion that this might have value or be fixable, but in all seriousness, is the unit either fixable or worth something?
Also, if anyone knows of somebody in the Boston area who could repair a cracked boiler, or who wants an old boiler, please let me know. Thanks...