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Posted by Dave on December 06, 2005 at 19:40:39:
Sorry if I'm repeating, but the other thread went off the page!
I spoke with the rep at Ergomax. He said that the Ergomax should be set for 180 degrees and should cut in at about 165. Do you agree with that? IF not, what would you set the tank at?
It would seem that with the Phase III thermostat set at 130, the Phase III would never call for heat. Also, wouldn't we need a mixing valve in the DHW after the Phase III, as the water would be 180 degrees?
Finally, if for some reason, we could not tee right at the tank (say we had to tee the system return manifold in the middle of the run of the pipe from the boiler to the Ergomax), would we then have to add swingcheck in that return loop? Are there any potential issues for having the tee in the middle of the run?
thanks a million.