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Posted by Dave on December 05, 2005 at 21:10:21:
In Reply to: Re: results of temperature experiment and Phase III posted by Joe Brix on December 05, 2005 at 20:33:44:
: A lot of variables here. Was the boiler servicing the heating zones durring part of the test?
+++No, the setup is in DHW priority mode
What do yo mean by "cold start"? Was the boiler starting at room temp?
+++The boiler was starting at about 130 or so for a water temp. When I shut off the boiler and ran the hot water into the bathtub, the boiler circ continued to run even though the boiler was off. It drew down the temp of the boiler water to about 130 or so.
How cool did you let the Phase III get to before turning the boiler on? Sounds like you let it get much cooler then 120°. Normally the Phase III would call for heat after it drops 5-10 degrees from set temp.
+++The Phase III went down to about 90-95 degrees.
: Now that you are are on low fire, does the boiler still short cycle and or make noise? Does it seem that you have plenty of hot water even when the heating zones are running?
+++We have had no issues with not being able to heat the house ot the hot water. The only thing I noticed this morning (when it was 9 degrees outside) was that all 3 fan coils were calling for heat, and the boiler outlet temp was hanging at about 150. i don't know if that would cause a problem with flue gas condensation.