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Posted by Scott on November 29, 2005 at 12:01:36:
My brand new Weil McLain oil single steam pipe boiler is spewing out a cloud of light gray smoke about the size of a basketball every time it's turn on. The smoke smells of unburnt fuel oil and is permeating the entire house. The installer says this behavior is 'normal.'
The boiler also has the sound of a jet engine and the rumbling causes the house to shake. The installer blamed the sound on 'dirty oil.' I purchased a new oil tank and fresh oil and the sound is the same. The installer, like the cloud of smoke, now says the sound is 'normal.'
The oil technician has spent so much time getting the boiler just to work (about 10 visits in 3 weeks) that resolving the smell/sound issue is very low priority on his to do list. From the way he's treating us, it seems like he feels that since he's told us the behavior is 'normal' and the boiler works, he can wipe his hands of the situation.
If I get another technician in here, my warranty is voided.
What should I do? Am I cursed with this stench/deafing roar? After shelling out $7,000 for a boiler and tank, I'm really not in a position to come up with legal fees.