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Posted by T-Man on November 27, 2005 at 06:58:57:
Just moved into my steam heat home for the first night.. having a few issues
-There is a varivalve quick vent in my radiator upstairs. It was shooting out hot water from the vent till i turned the radiator off. I may have the valve toward the close side of the vent and the heater pipe was not fully turned on. What can i do to fix this?
-The heat upstairs is at least 15 degrees hotter! What can i do to fix this?
-One of in wall radiators will not stop hissing/ u can feel the air coming out of it, i had to shut it off...
-Where can i purchase a new stream heat radiator that is NOT a in wall unit, my new addition in my kitchen is without heat...
-Who can i hire to come and take a look and service my system? i am located in floral park, sooner the better! Please email me at imolas54b32@yahoo.com