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Posted by Justin on November 18, 2005 at 13:23:29:
I have a Weil-Mclain cg-6 rated at 170,000 input btu and 145,000 output btu heating a 2600 sq. ft. 2 family house. The system is zoned upstairs/downstairs with a circulator for each zone and a Honeywell t475a indoor/outdoor reset controller controlling the burners. What I am seeing on let's say a 30 degree day is I have to set the reset controller to no less than 110-115 degrees (which equates to 150-160 degree water temperature) and an 8 degree differential in order to keep both zones roughly 68 degrees but never higher. At the same time I notice the boiler is cycling roughly 10 times an hour and doing the math I came up with the burners running about 25 minutes out of every hour. The house was built in 1941 and is all original as far as insulation and single pane windows.
My questions are, Does the rate at which this is firing and the setting on the reset controller seem to be about right for the environment or is there some fine tuning that could be done to maybe lower the burner run time? Should a 145,000 btuhr boiler be able to heat a 2600 sqft house to 70 degrees? (19 radiators throughout house).