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Posted by george on November 15, 2005 at 07:27:31:
In Reply to: How much oil to heat water?? posted by Gary on November 03, 2005 at 11:57:47:
I have the same situation in NE PA.
Old steam / oil burner / domestic HW
If I was paying $2.50-$3.00 a day in
the off heat domestic warming I installed
a electric Hot water heater (No gas available).
My electric bill increased anout $30 a month,
which is well under $60-$90 to run the
oil burner.
I plumbed the EHW in series with the hot
water coil (with bypass valves) so I could
turn off the EHW in the winter and use the
"FREE" heat from the furnace. Also in times
of Power Outage I could use the furnace on the
generator to supply DHW .
You have to turn the furnace off in the
summer, and the EHW off in the winter.
My wife likes the fact that she does not
get boiling hot water for dishes, shower
when the boiler calls for heat and she wants
hot water.
Life in an 1869's house.