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Posted by Brian on November 05, 2005 at 22:28:40:
Hello all, this question is kinda involved - sorry if it's too long...
I Just installed a new Burnham boiler with a Riello burner on a 3 zone hot water system. 2 zones are for heat, one is for a phase III indirect hot water heater. I currently have all 3 thermostats running into an Argo relay, which powers the circulators. I also have a Honeywell L8148A high limit aquastat installed. The argo is wired to the L8148A's thermostat hookup and whenever one of the 3 thermostats call for heat, the Argo passes this request to the aquastat. This fires up the boiler until the temp reaches 180 degrees.
So - my question is whether or not there is a better way to set this up??
Should I use a high/low limit aquastat instead and maintain the boiler temp? Or will the thermostat in the indirect water heater eliminate the need for this?
Under this set up, the circulators (if their thermostat is calling for heat) are running regardless of the boilder temp, is this bad?
I live on long island, so I don't need heat for 6 months out of the year, only hot water - how does this play into my set up?
Any info anyone can provide is much appreciated! :->