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Posted by Derek on November 02, 2005 at 16:04:46:
I have successfully installed my own boiler and hydronic system on 2 houses I lived in. With proper tune ups I haven't had a problem in 10 years. I feel confortable with hot wat baseboard, but want to put radiant heat through pex under a hardwood floor in a second floor addition I am putting over the garage.
I added a spare zone to the boiler when I installed it and have the pipes dead ended to where they would be needed in the future.
Here's my plan:
Lay down the aluminum radiant barrier.
Lay the pex on the floor between sleepers.
Plywood and hardwood over this.
Run the boiler hot water pipes to an indirect water heater and use this for the medium heat water for the radiant loop.
I could circulate the medium heat water 24/7 and heat the indirect heater water when the room temperature drops. Would need a big set back on the t-stat.
Waddaya think?