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Posted by HeatPro on October 26, 2005 at 11:27:51:
In Reply to: pump for Phase III TR-60 posted by Dave on October 26, 2005 at 10:30:31:
Your Taco 007 will pump far more water than it takes to heat a 60 gallon tank. Tell that someone to start reading about heat exchangers, indirect tank design, and the Taco 007 pump chart, they match well.
Understand that your Lochinvar at 240,000 or 140,000 btuh is far more boiler than can be used just to heat the little 60-gallon tank (It only absorbs 70,000 btuh through the heat exchanger tubing inside at best) and making more water whiz through it will not make it heat faster. That is the problem with your low-mass boiler overheating and making noise now, that it is operating to heat a part-load and does't have a mass to heat. The heat exchanger in the water heater tank prevents heating the water heater faster, so can't be used like the buffer tank will help. The tank heat exchanger doesn't have the water mass in the little tubes, just like the Lochinvar boiler. You are trying to squeeze over 30 gpm through the tank heat exchanger now in the summer, and it isn't and won't work. That might just make more noise and wear at fittings from increased velocity. You really can't force 14 or 24 gpm through the coil with a bigger pump.
As suggested last winter, you could have had the system with one 0010 or two 007's on the main and zone valves and avoided all these considerations with 5 circulators sitting new in the box for replacements.