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Posted by Joe Brix on October 24, 2005 at 07:27:38:
In Reply to: Re: Replace or repipe this boiler? posted by Dave on October 24, 2005 at 06:18:56:
Your TR-60 only holds about 8 gal of boiler water. Heatpro's talk'n about ErgoMax. (www.ergomax.com) Other companies make inverse indirects like www.thermo2000.com (Canada) and Everhot up in Mass. These tanks hold 20+ gals of boiler water and the DHW is heated by a copper coil in the tank (kind of like a tankless coil in a boiler). Now you pipe the reverse indirect in the primary loop and the zones come off the tank. Or just get a plain storage tank to add volume to your system.