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Posted by Walter on October 20, 2005 at 13:37:43:
In Reply to: Re: Mclain boiler not heating up past 155'F posted by HeatPro on October 19, 2005 at 20:21:52:
I assume when you say run the circulator 24/7, that means for the heating season at least. During the summer, when no heat is required, circulator could be turned of, say via a switch. I have same issue with my house (made the post about converting to 2 zone) ... reply was to do run circulator and add a Bekkett heatmanager ... will that setup also work with the outdoor reset added in as well ?? Are there any "gotcha's" by running the cirulator (in my case a 1/12 HP B&G) that continuously. Reaseon I ask is I've had instances where mine must have overheated and the B&G's motor's thermal cut-off kicked in ... residual heating in the boiler (flame was off) had temp go 200 .. eventually ciculator came on again and cooled bolier down to point where Aquastat control kicked in the burner again. (This has only happened 3-4 times (one each heating season) .... by the way, my boiler heats DHW for a storage tank so I don't have the same extreme problem of that cold a boiler ... just the water in the distributon pipes.