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Posted by joe brix on October 03, 2005 at 20:33:12:
In Reply to: Indirect Water Heater posted by Mike on October 03, 2005 at 10:43:09:
You usually only get 10 yrs out of a glass lined water heater. A good stainless steel indirect should give you around 20 years. Your zones should have zone valves or circulators with flow checks to prevent hot water migration to your rads durring the summer. I'd assume you use your heat more then half the year so you'd save most of the time since the boiler's on anyway. I would get a high efficency condensing boiler like munchkin, W-M Ultra, Buderus, etc. These are low mass boilers so it's not like you're warming up 600 lbs of cast iron and 15 gals of boiler water.
Remember a gas water heater is venting it's heat 24x7 up the center flue. Most are only around 65% efficent.