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Posted by Wetdog on September 25, 2005 at 10:05:41:
I am converting a 17 year old tankless HW oil-fired HB Smith red jacket to an indirect HW SuperStor system --adding another circulator, etc. Will there be problems with the tankless/boiler gasket once the tankless coils are cut and remain in the boiler -- in other words will the lack of water flowing through the tankless coils effect the boiler and cause gasket failure?
The reason for the question is that an old timer mentioned it as a possible problem (seems he's run into it and he claims it will happen -- I've never seen it.
So it got me thinking -- would a possible solution be to use the tankless coils as part of the new loop that heats the SuperStor -- let heated water from the boiler run through the zone loop but include the tthe tankless coils in the loop by using monoflow Ts (scoop Ts)? That way, if this is a real problem, the tankless side stays hot and the gaskets continue with a longer life?