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Posted by Gene Silveira on August 30, 2005 at 16:16:14:
In Reply to: Burnham V7 crack/leak posted by Pamela Kuhens on August 23, 2005 at 21:34:18:
I had my Burnham V7 replaced this past spring and my friend across the street had his replaced six months before that.A good portion of the homes in my neihborhood have V7 burners and so far these are the only two homes that have had problems that I know about.As far as the warrenty goes, they covered mine at 90% and his at 100% and We didn't have any problems getting new replacement burners through the warrenty.Of course we both had to pay the installation charge,which wasn't cheap.I'm sure your going to hear from alot of people who have had issues with there V7's,there are alot of us out there.Feel free to contact me if I can be of any help to you.Gene