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Posted by Harz on January 26, 2004 at 07:20:49:
My Floor to the basement is not insulated. This year because of the colder than usually weather the basement is real cold not cold enough to see your breath, but still cold.I have it bad down their 2 ways. My basement door to the outside lets drafts of cold air in. I just covered it with plastic sunday. Cold air still comes in but not neally as fast.
I also have a small room under by front porch and there is door that leads to that room from the basement also. There is cooled air coming in from there also and the door is nothing that would keep air out or in. The house only has insulation in one bedroom I remodeled and soon the attic which I'm remodeling now.
So I guess with this much cold air causing the floor to be cold. The thermostat is cycling the furnace more and more because my set temperature will not get reached. What pisses me off more and more is that it is all ways just 1 degree below the set temperature no matter if I lower the thermostat the house temperature will still lower just below that.
With the basement so cold, could this cause the water to cool down much faster before it reaches the radiators? Or is the cold basement cooling off the room to much, to not allow the thermostat to reach the set temperature?
I have hot water heat with the boiler set to heat water to 180 degrees and the circulator pump
set to kick on at 160 degrees with a 20 degree differential. The thermostat is not on a outside wall but is on a wall that comes off a outside wall about 2 feet in, which splits the living room and dinning room. I've noted my circulator does kick on and the radiators are hot enough to touch for a few seconds before you would have to let go. But like I said the floors are cold.