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Posted by Harold hydronicnetwork.net on January 22, 2004 at 10:41:39:
In Reply to: Re: House getting heated slowly with hotwater baseboard heating posted by Suresh on January 22, 2004 at 09:16:22:
The Taco 007 at its longest recommended circuit length of 140 feet at 11 ft head is capable of 20,000 btuh at a 20F drop from supply to return at the boiler. The circuit is probably running at a 32F drop due to its long length just to supply 30,000 btuh.
Although the upstairs heat demand is larger than downstairs, the upstairs circuit distance limits the heat output upstairs so that heat from downstairs has to supply some of the heat. Thus the upstairs takes a while.
You can reduce the heating time by running a 3/4-inch line from the boiler to the mid-point of the upstairs circuit and use both 1/2-inch runs as either supplies or returns as drawn at:
This reduces the length of the ciruit to two circuits under 140 feet and can supply twice the heating water to make less of a drop with faster heating times.
The error in piping design is due to not attending or understanding the Slant/Fin design course which is one of the few remaining IBR method training courses left.