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Posted by adp on January 21, 2004 at 08:55:07:
In Reply to: Re: REpost aquastat posted by Harold hydronicnetwork.net on January 21, 2004 at 08:38:33:
: A more important question is why the high limit is set at 180F and the low limit is set at 160F. That is 20F difference, so a differential of 25F on some particular controls will not work well, and might work well on another brand, if there is a purpose in all that. Giving blanket answers that will not fit some situations is not intelligent. Provide information as to whether this is a tankless coil boiler or not and why the high limit is set that low. the low limit set there, as well as the aquastat model number.
High setting of 180 and low of 160 were set when installed. Aquastat is a L8124 Homeywell. It is a tankless coil boiler. The three zones each have there own pump and R845 relay. The diff setting at present is 20. It is on a Utica boiler with AFII 150 Beckett gun. Home is a rancher with unit in attached garage. What else would be needed for answer.