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Posted by kathy on January 19, 2004 at 14:57:22:
my husband and i bought a 3200 sq ft house last year. it has an oil fueled steam heat system with cast iron radiators. last year we were told that our furnace has a leak and we intend to replace it in the spring.
since then, my husband has been deployed and now this is my problem. the pipes and radiators are very loud. some of the radiators are no longer getting warm when they used to. the house is still about 70, so i am not THAT worried, but i am getting all sorts of ominous warnings about my pipes bursting and my house flooding and freezing in my sleep. is the noise and the lack of heating in some radiators a bad bad sign? or will replacing the furnace fix this? any help is appreciated, as i can't afford $100 an hour advice on an army paycheck.