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Posted by Harold hydronicnetwork.net on January 15, 2004 at 11:10:57:
In Reply to: Please help...Boiler question! posted by Michele on January 15, 2004 at 09:45:58:
You can put in a brand new boiler and a new thermostat every day for a year and the controls will still make the new boiler work the same.
Boilers do not have control of the heat. Boilers contain water and accept the flame from the burner. It is the controls that cause the burner to turn on and off - a zone control is the part that has to open when the thermostat calls for heat. When the switch on the zone valve sticks closed whether the thermostat opens the zone valve or not, you get heat all the time.
However, if you want a new boiler, an installer will be glad to install one. In the process, he will find out that the zone valve switch is stuck and fix that so he looks smart.