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Posted by Harold hydronicnetwork.net on January 14, 2004 at 10:52:58:
In Reply to: Peerless gas boiler refiring posted by DRF on January 14, 2004 at 05:39:41:
The 200 temperature will bother very little in the system excepting zone valve and pump seals. If nothing happens now, it won't.
When you get a chance, clean the flame sensor that sits over the fire to monitor the flame. If the sensor is dirty, the control module will sense an improper flame and recycle the ignition sequence to establish a flame. It is probably marginally dirty now and will get worse. The 1/16 - inch round rod jutting from a porcelain holder is on the end of a thin wire that comes from the ignition control to the burner.
Shutting off the burner for a while means no heating while the flame is off, so you lose some temperature.