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Posted by gabe on January 10, 2004 at 12:05:35:
I have a Weill-Mclean CGa boiler feeding 2 zones of baseboards. Zone 1 (ground floor) calls for heat correctly (indicated by the LED on the Taco relay) but the boiler seems to have a problem. It will heat until the water temp reaches 195 then is shuts off. I have set the high limit to 220 (max limit per user's manual) but it never reaches there. And more importantly, zone one remains below 60 degrees. When the water temp drops below 170 the boiler ignites again since the stat call has been on continuoously.
When zone 2 calls for heat, the boiler runs normally and the water temp actually dips below 170 initially then never reaches much higher than 175. Meanwhile, zone 1 seems to be circulating (as far as I can tell - but the circulators are very quiet). When zone 2 reaches temp, the relay shuts zone 2 off, the boiler continues to burn and the temp rises quickly. Within 2-4 minutes it will reach 195 and turn off.
Do I have an air lock or a bad circulator in zone 1? Will I damage the system if I keep running it this way until Monday when my plumber is scheduled to be here (for other work, ironically enough)? Thanks for your help.