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Re: Beckett AFII buner adjustment?

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Posted by adp on January 09, 2004 at 19:17:46:

In Reply to: Re: Beckett AFII buner adjustment? posted by adp on January 09, 2004 at 19:11:27:

: : Use your logic. Does anyone believe that Beckett made a burner that will never be adjustable and they will have to recall and replace every burner of that type? The answer is no. Has this burner been running at low CO2 since 1998?

: : CO2 readings depend upon the air flow through the boiler. This is regulated by the chimney draft and the draft over the fire as well. A plugged heat exchanger or a poorly drafting chimney just can not permit enough gases through the passages to bring more air in to lower CO2 readings.

A small piece of stove pipe was removed which extended into chimmey. Could this be causing the problem with regard to not getting enough draft from chimmey which could cause problem? Problem only started this season when service was being done on oil unit.

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