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Posted by Peter Klose on January 08, 2004 at 07:27:42:
I have a hotwater baseboard heat with three zones. Hot water is pulled through each zone by a TACO 007 pump as needed. The pump for zone # 3 is leaking a little from time to time. As we just put our house on the market...you guessed it, it began dripping last night. I want to replace the gaskets but I am worried about introducing air into the system. The three circulators each have a valve below them (I think) and a spigot above them each marked purge. My plan is the follwoing.
1. Shut off furnace
2. Shut off cold water supply
3. Close the three valves by each circulator
4. remove pump and replace gasket.
5. replace pump.
How much water can I expect to loose from the system?
Will I need to bleed air and how do i do this?