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Posted by Harold hydronicnetwork.net on January 07, 2004 at 12:15:27:
In Reply to: replacing electric/ heat pump with oil burner posted by wendell on January 07, 2004 at 10:43:04:
Wet-base cast-iron boilers are seemingly impervious, so last several decades when used for oil-fired heating. It won't heat slower than a steel boiler either.
Use the IBR rating as that includes the piping and pickup loss. An engineer designing a system and predicting the losses from piping and the extra heat to pick up after setback would add his calculations to the heat estimate. The IBR ratings already include this.
A large 100 gallon indirect water heater off the boiler will make more hot water, much faster at less than half the cost of electricity and also last longer than electric water heaters. Electricity is very efficient; but not as effective.