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Posted by mackem on January 06, 2004 at 06:20:45:
Hello all
I hope someone can help with this. I have quite an old boiler fitted with a Thorn timer...the clock allows the heating to be controlled twice a day, and I can put it on continuous. About two years ago the timer stopped working. It would not click on or off at the points indicated on the guage. I discovered that a small plastic controller inside had snapped. This was the thing clicking the heating on and off as the pointers arrived at it. I found the company that manufactured the timer units (not Thorn anymore) and wrote to them, and they supplied a replacemnt plastic piece (thus saving me having to buy a complete unit).
Now, the same thing appears to have happened. The timer won't work and it looks like this bit of plastic has gone again. However, I cannot find the details of the company who helped me last time. Does anyone know who manufactures what were Thorn Timer Units - or - even better - how I can fix this problem?