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Posted by jtown on December 30, 2003 at 05:01:18:
In Reply to: When is it time to replace an old boiler? posted by Kevin Doll on December 29, 2003 at 21:14:25:
The boiler is the last place I'd look. Check for insulation levels. Pull outlet covers to look around the boxes. If the house is balloon framed, look at the bottoms and tops of the outside walls. Plug the ends with fiberglass in plastic bags. Seal the center wall also and and tops of any 2nd story partition walls that are open to the attic. Cellulose could be blown in if the walls/attic are empty. The attic should have a foot or more. All of the air handler and ducts should be well insulated. If you have loose windows, put wedges in the edges to seal better