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Posted by HeatPro on March 06, 2005 at 21:42:16:
In Reply to: Waste oil posted by Michael on March 06, 2005 at 21:16:08:
: Is there any down side to burning the oil that came out of the car after an oil change? Providing of course the oil was not mixed with or contained gas or other debris. 6 qts mixed with 100 gal of #2 oil,I know that won't give me that much extra run time and every little bit helps but what could it hurt, if anything?
"The primary form of reuse, burning, is estimated to be the single largest source of airborne lead (Booth, 1991). Although burning is a one-time reuse, if not properly controlled, burning can create significant environmental harm and pollution.
As of September 1, 1994, used oil is banned from disposal in Nebraska landfills (See NF94-195).
Oil does not wear out, it gets dirty. Used oil will normally contain some contaminates from its use in the engine (sediments, heavy metals, etc.), but it is possible to guard against additional contamination such as freon, PCBs or chlorinated solvents. If these are present and the oil is to be recycled, the total oil load may be rejected by the processor. Contaminated used oil may have to be disposed of as a hazardous waste rather than recycling resulting in more expense.
Used oil may contain increased levels of lead, cadmium, arsenic and chromium and may also contain contamination from other sources such as chlorinated solvents, PCBs and other carcinogens. Substances found in used automotive and small machine oils include:
* Hydraulic oil (may be found in farm tractors and floor jacks; if you suspect PCB contamination in old hydraulic systems, do not recycle)
* Gear lubricants
* Transmission fluid
Other waste should never be mixed in used oil. Toxic substances could contaminate the whole batch and oil recyclers may have to handle the batch as a hazardous product. Many recyclers are using instruments that will detect contamination of used oil."