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Posted by DE on February 16, 2005 at 04:29:00:
I have a Vokera Excell 80 SP Combi Boiler, which is driving me mad at the moment!
When I run a hot tap or put on the shower, I get this high pitched loud squealing noise coming from my boiler. Now this doesn't happen all the time, which is why it's so frustrating becuase when I call out an Engineer sods law insists that when he is in the house it doesn't make the noise! It could stop for week, then happen for 2 weeks in a row.
The Engineer suggested that it was something to do with the valve thing that you turn (i'm not very technical as you can see) which controls the water flow and has since turned this to maximum, but it's started doing it again today!
He also said that I may just have to put up with it cos he doesn't think it's not a fault with the Boiler, but surely Boilers aren't meant to squeal loudly like that, which when you have a shower early morning you wake up the whole house because of the noise!!??
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.