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Re: hot water back- up in steam return

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Posted by mike on February 14, 2005 at 15:10:52:

In Reply to: Re: hot water back- up in steam return posted by HeatPro on February 14, 2005 at 14:24:33:

: You are describing the result of reality on the advisor's rose-colored glasses. If your radiator and piping exceeeds the burner input, the unit will never hit the pressure limit, and sections of pipe and radiation will remain cold. Remove the vent from the last radiator on the line that remains cold. Observe if the radiator ever/never gets warm and you will know if the burner input can drive enough steam to all the radiators.

i'll try that tonight, but why does the water back out of the boiler and up the return.....is that some sort of vacumn....i don't understand ???

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