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Posted by Margit Price on February 07, 2005 at 12:47:08:
In Reply to: Re: Steel boilers vs. Cast Iron Boilers posted by Joe Brix on December 10, 2004 at 09:08:58:
I have a V7 Burnham model boiler and the engineer doing a service this am noticed there was a crack in the block. reading the smallprint of the original guarantee that the previous homeowners passed on to us it looks like we may have to face all the costs of replacement because a) we are not the original owners of the boiler and b) it is now 11 years old when the gurantee expires and a pro-rata guarantee begains after 10 years. So all these claims of 'lifetime' guarantees are worth little. If you move in to a house where the boiler is only one year old you have a invalid guarantee because you are not the 'original owners'.
However the engineer confirmed that there seems to be a running problem with the V7 series-has anyone come across this and what has been Burnham's response?
: There have been a few manufacuters that have had sectional leaks with some of their models in the past such as the Burnham V7 series. A steel boiler must be welded and here a poor weld joint could become a leak down the road so no boiler is failure free. Steel offers a lighter, more compact boiler. Most of your oil fired low mass boilers are steel. While it heats up faster, a steel boiler will cool off sooner then cast iron.
: Low efficency dry base boilers should be avoided. But I'm a big fan of low mass steel boilers with indirect HW tanks. Laars MAX and Burnham LE are good examples.