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White-Rodgers Controls?

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Posted by markl on February 01, 2005 at 08:13:28:

I have a Weil-McLain EGH steam boiler one pipe system that has probably been set incorrectly for some time. There are 2 White-Rodgers model 1204-5 adjustable differential controls and a 0 - 50 psi gauge coming out of the boiler mounted on the same side as the model 67 low pressure cut-off. The setting have been 3 psi/1 psi diff on one control and 1.5/1 on the other. From what I've been reading, this is way high for a 2 story height system. Question: 1. Why are there 2 controls? 2. What should the setting be? (I've changed them to 2/.5 and 1/.5) So far I haven't been able to find a steam boiler mechanic to wortk on this system that seems to have a thorough knowledge of my unit. At the previous settings, I've noticed that when the unit is steaming, it will shut down for...say 15 seconds and then go right back on. This does not seem right to me as a lay person. There are all new adjustable vents on the radiators, new vents on the vertical pipes and no discernable leaks. Water level is at 1/2 up the glass and has been purge regularly. Blown down is also done regularly. Thanks to all that apply.

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