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Posted by Kyle Arkell on January 30, 2005 at 23:07:22:
In Reply to: Condensing vs Non-Condensing Gas Boilers posted by Pat S on January 28, 2005 at 13:10:23:
Most of the new 90% eff boilers are desiged to be used in low temp systems. This is anything under 140'F. As you raise your temp you lose eff. I belive the rule is 5% for every ten degress so if you run your boiler at 180 that is 40x5= 20%. So now your 90% boiler is running at somewhere around 70%. I belive you wasted your money on youe very costly boiler. The best things to do is to install a 87% boiler with a outdoor reset. EX tekmar 256 and your savings will show on your next gas bill