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Posted by Jack, CVMS on December 17, 2003 at 10:50:17:
In Reply to: Teflon Anti-Sieze Pipe Dope Superior To Hercules? posted by Jake on December 17, 2003 at 01:30:45:
Get 5 plumbers together and ask that question and you'll get 5 different answers, along with 10 suggestions on what pipe sealant is the best.
My partner and I can be working together on the same boiler and we'll each put a different sealant on the threads we install. For hydronics,
I prefer Slic-Tite, because I've had very good results with it. He will grab a can of Megaloc for the same fitting. We both reach for the
Blue Magic can when we put together domestic pipe. Because one is much better than the other? Probably not - it's habit, based in part on
past experience.
Find what the professionals in your area use (not what is on the shelf at the local retailer - they are driven more by the profit margin).