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Posted by EShumat on January 12, 2005 at 15:17:19:
In Reply to: Re: Steel boilers vs. Cast Iron Boilers posted by Joe Brix on December 10, 2004 at 09:08:58:
What is the problem with dry base boilers? I currently own a Thermal Dynamics dry base boiler that I am having to replace.
: There have been a few manufacuters that have had sectional leaks with some of their models in the past such as the Burnham V7 series. A steel boiler must be welded and here a poor weld joint could become a leak down the road so no boiler is failure free. Steel offers a lighter, more compact boiler. Most of your oil fired low mass boilers are steel. While it heats up faster, a steel boiler will cool off sooner then cast iron.
: Low efficency dry base boilers should be avoided. But I'm a big fan of low mass steel boilers with indirect HW tanks. Laars MAX and Burnham LE are good examples.