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Posted by Jack, CVMS on December 16, 2003 at 12:08:38:
In Reply to: How do we regulate temperature in a 72 unit building? posted by Andre Giroux on December 16, 2003 at 08:02:36:
Is this steam heat you are talking about? With steam radiators and air vents?
Or hot water radiation with coin (manual) vents at the ends.
Are you just asking about the possibility of taking the excess heat from the too-hot units and transferring it to the units with insufficient heat?
If this is possible, it might mean there would be no increase in heating costs. But if there are more cold units than overheated ones, your overall
heating costs will almost certainly go up. More heat output generally requires more fuel input.
Rather than argue over the proper method of apportioning the heat among the various units, it sounds as though you all need to agree to get a heating
professional in there to look the entire situation over and make recommendations to cure the problem. From the little information you've given us,
it sounds like the system hasn't been designed to do what is (and should be) expected of it.