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Posted by george on December 23, 2004 at 04:45:07:
In Reply to: Single line steam posted by tangirl on December 22, 2004 at 20:57:14:
I can't believe that a single feed steam system
has not been fed with water for 5 years. My
expertise is an old farmhouse owner with single
feed oil fired steam. If I don't add water on a bi
or tri weekly basis my water level will drop low
and act as yours.
It is important to purge the dirty water with the
purge valve into a bucket in which case your level
in the site glass should go down.
Perhaps your clear site glass with water level
ring is just that. Clear of water... And a ghost
of a water mark.
When I use the purge every other week, the site
glass turns cloudy with the disturbance.
The many experts on this site may be able to add
more about your other problems.