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Posted by Linda on December 07, 2004 at 12:41:47:
Hello, I've never been here before but found it on the computer and have a question. My Husband and I have just rented a house built in the 50's and are in the process of painting. When I went to turn on the Heat, I thought nothing happened so I then turned it from Auto to Fan On. Well, the fan made such a loud banging metal grinding noise, I got scared and shut it off. My husband went downstairs to check it and he said the motor worked fine, it's just the fan. But, how do I fix it. I've been looking and it seems that either it can be a little problem or a serious one if it has to do with the pilot light getting too high. Sorry, but I don't know much about these things and my husband is not too into Heating and Cooling either and I don't want to get ripped off by a Professional. COULD ANYONE HELP OR HAVE ANY IDEAS? THANK YOU.